Periodic table

Celebrity scientist to be sealed in airtight box for experiment


For two days, British geologist Iain Stewart will be sealed in an air-tight, bedroom-sized container with only small plants to provide him with oxygen.

The World

Colombia Sets Sight on ‘Green Gold’

12,000 Miners Fired in South Africa

Global Politics

Massive Lead Poisoning in Nigeria

The World

A Green Ocean

The World

Design For the Real World: The Periodic Table

Arts, Culture & Media

For chemists, the periodic table of the elements is a hugely coveted piece of real estate. Writer Sam Kean explains the origins of the periodic table and its enduring brilliance. Produced by KJHK’s Becky Sullivan.

Hugh Aldersey-Williams on ‘Periodic Tales’

Remember the periodic table? With its 92 elements and perplexing abbreviations? No doubt, you had to memorize portions of the table back in high school. But beyond high school classes and chemistry jobs, why should we care about the elements? Hugh Aldersey-Williams  has some reasons. He’s the author of the new book “Periodic Tales: The Curious […]

The World

Lead Series; The Silent Epidemic: – Part Two (of 3)

The way people get acute lead poisoning is through exposure to old paint right at home. The stereotype is of a poor child eating a paint chip in a dilapidated housing project. But, plenty of cases of poisoning come from lead dust, particles too small to notice. And while children living in low-income homes run […]

The World

Belly up to the Oxygen Bar!

Just south of Central Park, near the corner of 57th Street and Seventh Avenue sits one of the nation’s first oxygen bars. Once as free as the air we breathe, oxygen is becoming a money maker for entrepreneurs pitching products like oxygen facials and oxygen-infused beverages. Neal Rauch took a look, and a sniff, and […]

The World

Killing Animals at Home

Some recent home repairs lead Living On Earth’s Daniel Grossman to question why people use toxic materials in their houses. He sent us this reporter’s notebook.