Parasitic worm

Cricket and parasite

This is your brain on parasites


In her new book, “This is Your Brain on Parasites,” author Kathleen McAuliffe describes the numerous links between animals and parasites, how they’ve co-evolved, and how parasites may actually affect the behavior of humans and other animals.

Indian state embarks on initiative to deworm school children

Health & Medicine

Eradicating Guinea worm disease

Health & Medicine

Faces of Elephantiasis: In Nigeria, Patients Remain After the Disease is Gone

Arts, Culture & Media

De-Worming Program Set to Launch in India

Global Politics
The World

Science Note: Tapeworms and Climate Change

The relationship between tapeworms and the fish they parasitize could change as the planet heats up.

The World

Worm Grunters

A family in Florida makes their living serenading worms.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Long Life

Scientists alter the genes of worms and double their life span, making them look and act younger.

The World

Emerging Science Note/Sex & the Single Worm

Living on Earth’s Maggie Villiger reports on the way radioactive pollution is changing the sex lives of worms near Chernobyl.

The World

Health Note/Drug Absorption

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on how scientists may be able to improve drug absorption by stealing a trick from tapeworms.