
What is Osama Bin Laden’s legacy?

The United States government has been releasing videos of Osama Bin Laden to combat the carefully crafted images he presented to the world. How will he be remembered?

9/11 families and veterans on Osama Bin Laden’s death

Osama bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden Killed

Global Politics

What is it Like to Play Osama Bin Laden?

Arts, Culture & Media

How ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ is Viewed in Pakistan

Lifestyle & Belief

The Agenda: Osama bin Laden, May Day Protest, April Jobs Report

It’s Monday morning and that means it’s time to check out what’s on the Agenda for the week ahead. This week marks the one-year anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. May Day protests are planned in New York, the Bay Area and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the release of the April jobs report […]

Dog Cry Ranch: Al Qaeda Camp in Oregon Again Drawing Attention

Conflict & Justice

Marco Werman hears about the attempt by Islamic militants to set up a jihadi training camp in Oregon in the 1990s from Les Zaitz, senior investigative reporter for the Oregonian newspaper.

2011 Is History: Looking Back at a Tumultuous Year

Some years just seem to have less impact than others. But 2011 held the Arab Spring, the death of Osama bin Laden, Occupy Wall Street, protests against austerity measures and the ousting of Berlusconi, as well as the end of the Iraq War. Which events of the past year will make it to the history […]

The battle to own Bin Laden’s story

The World in Words

Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, a new battle has begun: the rhetorical fight to frame his legacy. The White House got off to a bad start, with its initial claims about the circumstances of the killing. We offer two stabs at this story, one from the perspective of the US government, the other […]

The World

US-Pakistan tensions ratchet up

Conflict & Justice

Speculation that Pakistan’s intelligence service was in cahoots with al-Qaeda has only intensified after the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with the BBC’s Shoaib Hasan in Islamabad.