Orson Welles

Finishing Don Quixote

Arts, Culture & Media

The legendary perfectionist Orson Welles spent 30 years on his epic film of Don Quixote, but he never finished. So what exactly happened to it? Gregory Warner tried to find out.

Fighting Windmills

Arts, Culture & Media

Orson’s Shadow

Arts, Culture & Media

Chris Elliott Continued

Arts, Culture & Media
War of the Worlds

‘War of the Worlds’ turns 75. Could it happen again?

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

1941: At the Movies

Arts, Culture & Media

There’s no better way to escape from uncertain times by whiling away the hours at the movies. Takeaway film correspondent Rafer Guzman tells us about five movies that have, from the perspective of a moviegoer in 1941, the potential to become classics: Orson Welles’ “Citizen Kane,” Humphrey Bogart’s breakout film, “The Maltese Falcon,” Gary Cooper […]

The World

1941 at the movies

Arts, Culture & Media

There’s no better way to escape from uncertain times than by spending time at the movies. Takeaway film correspondent Rafer Guzman tells us about five movies that have the potential to become classics.