
Northeastern University law Professor Kara Swanson says the average wait time for an organ transplant is getting increasingly worse.

A legal market for organs? It’s not as far-fetched as you think.


We can’t put an exact value on our bodies, but with the massive gap between organ supply and demand, it’s much higher than you might think.

Larger social networks — especially earlier in life — leads to larger brain development

Health & Medicine

Understanding the Brains of Mass Killers

The World

Podcast: The Bimusical Brain

The World in Words

Study: The Bigger Your Social Network, the Bigger Your Brain

Lifestyle & Belief

Doctor Bridges Gap Between Mind and Machine

For Dr. Anthony Ritaccio,  the idea of being a human-cyborg isn’t just something of science fiction books, but a real world possibility. Ritaccio was born without his right hand, and through his work, as the director of the Epilepsy and Human Brain Mapping Program  at the Albany Medical Center and J. Spencer Standish Professor of Neurology at […]

Big Brains Strike Again

Two back-to-back studies on how big-brained animals thrive in new habitats piqued my curiosity about the real implications of relative brain size. If you heard last week’s science podcast, you know that species with big brains relative to their bodies are more successful than small-brained ones in new habitats. That holds true for birds, mammals, […]

The World

Emerging Science Note/ Placenta Power

Scientists at Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland have found a second life for the afterbirth tissue. Placentas are an even richer source of blood stem cells than umbilical cord blood. The stem cells in placentas could be preserved for future

The World

Emerging Science Note/Here’s Lookin’ At You

Researchers believe that how we view our bodies is all in our heads.

The World

Environmental Health Note/Now Hear This!

Living on Earth’s Jennifer Chu reports on a new discovery that explains how we translate sound waves to the brain.