Nord-Kivu campaign

The World

Frenemies: Congo and Rwanda team up to fight rebels

Conflict & Justice

The Congolese government has been battling rebels led by Laurent Nkunda. This week, the Congolese government joined forces with it’s former arch enemy Rwanda in an offensive against the rebels and today reports say the joint force has arrested Nkunda.

The World

Government and rebel troops clash in Democratic Republic of Congo

Global Politics
The World

Congolese general arrested

Conflict & Justice
The World

Congo crisis spotlights U.N. weaknesses

Conflict & Justice
The World

Humanitarian crisis in Congo

Conflict & Justice
The World

Chaos in Congo

Conflict & Justice

Tens of thousands of people in eastern Congo have flooded into the capital city, Goma. They’re fleeing the latest offensive by Tutsi rebels in the region. The Red Cross has described the humanitarian situation there as catastrophic.

The World

Renewed fighting in Congo

Conflict & Justice

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Anneke van Wouldenberg, a human rights researcher in eastern Congo, about renewed fighting in the region.