
The Nokia 3310 makes a comeback. February 24, 2017.

Blast from the past: the return of a popular dumbphone


Seventeen years ago, Nokia introduced the 3310, the first mass-marketed mobile at the time and one of its most popular devices. It was touted as indestructible and cool. The new one is a twist on that old classic.

Monitoring technology used to suppress dissent

Isis, the dog

Downton Abbey’s pooch has a problem — with her name

Global Scan

Nokia to Sell Cell Phone Business to Microsoft

Arts, Culture & Media

Romania’s loss is China’s gain as Nokia moves manufacturing to Asia


Making mobile phones conflict-free

A Dutch team is applying the principles of the fair trade to mobile phones to combat the ‘conflict mineral trade.’

Nokia’s New Smart Phones Fail to Impress

The Finnish telecom giant Nokia unveiled two new smart phones today in New York. But they failed to create any excitement and Nokia’s shares took a big plunge on the stock exchange.

The World

The Tech Side of Repression

Global Politics

The government of Bahrain is said to rely on technology from Nokia Siemens Networks to crack down on dissent.