Nidal Malik Hasan

Could Nadal Hasan Become the 1st Soldier Put to Death in 50 Years?

On Wednesday, army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan was sentenced to death for the 2009 the Fort Hood shooting rampage that killed 13 people.   What comes next is the start of a lengthy appeals process that could ultimately test the military’s historic relationship with the death penalty. If Hasan is put to death, he would […]

Trial Begins for Fort Hood Army Base Shooting Suspect

Military stress and Fort Hood shootings

Health & Medicine
The World

Al-Awlaki’s death and the war on terror

Conflict & Justice

Top of the Hour: AWOL Soldier Accused of Terror Plot, Morning Headlines

The World

Father of first US citizen marked for kill or capture challenges CIA in court

Conflict & Justice

Can the U.S. government or its agents kill an American citizen even if he is a non-combatant? We’re joined by Scott Shane, who reported on the Anwar al-Awlaki story for The New York Times.

The World

This week’s agenda: oil, jobs, and terror suspects

Global Politics

It’s Monday, which means it’s time to check what’s on the agenda this week. Marcus Mabry, associate national editor for The New York Times, and Dan Gross, senior editor and finance expert at Newsweek join us.

The World

The life of radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki

Lifestyle & Belief

We are taking a closer look at the life of radical American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. Speculation abounds as to exactly when and why he took a more radical turn.

The World

New al-Qaida video encourages Muslims to kill Americans

Lifestyle & Belief

A new video released by al-Qaida shows the radical Yemeni cleric, Anwaar al-Awlaki, encouraging Muslims to kill American civilians. Daniel Lav, director of the Middle East Media Research Institute’s ‘Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor,’ tells us more.

The World

Fair trial possible for accused Fort Hood shooter?

Conflict & Justice

Trying Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan in court may seem straightforward to most, but some say it may be difficult for Hasan to have a fair trial anywhere in the country. We talk with Hasan’s attorney, Ret. Col. John P. Galligan.