National Center for Atmospheric Research

Hurricane Michael 2018

Warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico raise alarm as US storm season approaches


On Easter Sunday, dozens of tornadoes tore across Southeastern US, killing more than 30 people. The deadly cluster of storms coincided with waters in the Gulf of Mexico that were three degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the long-term average.

El Niño Makes Atlantic hurricanes less likely.

Welcome to the ‘Double El Niño’ — and more extreme weather

Funny River fire

June set a new global temperature record

Funny River fire

June set a new global temperature record


The Balkans’ flooding is linked to climate change. And here’s how

Dust storm Melbourne Australia

The Pacific Ocean is gearing up for a big El Niño


El Niño became famous years ago, with jokes on late night TV shows and much media coverage — sort of like that year’s polar vortex. It looks like El Niño will make its presence known again this year.El Niño became famous years ago, with jokes on late night TV shows and much media coverage — sort of like that year’s polar vortex. It looks like El Niño will make its presence known again this year.

Superstorms and Climate Change

Hurricane Sandy grew over days to become a monster of a storm when it finally hit the East Coast. Climate scientists note that global warming likely contributed to the making of this “Frankenstorm.”

Tracking El Nino

El Nino is back– and may be to thank for what- so far- has been a tamer hurricane season.

El Niño Acting up

The weather pattern El Niño has killed hundreds of people and inflicted millions of dollars in damage this winter. From floods in California and Peru, to high winds in Florida and Mexico, and the freak ice storm that devastated eastern Canada and northern New England, the drought in South east Asia may also be linked. […]

Chasing Twisters

For the next month, more than 100 researchers will crisscross the Great Plains to gather data about how tornadoes form.