
Sneak Preview: The Book of Mormon Decoded

Arts, Culture & Media

The Book of Mormon is the toast of Broadway (with 14 nominations for June’s Tony Awards). Trey Parker and Matt Stone teamed up with Robert Lopez, best known for Avenue Q, to put the s…

‘I am a Mormon’ campaign launches in London, in response to play’s debut

Lifestyle & Belief

Latino Mormons’ history intertwined with Romney family

Global Politics

Polish Jewish community uses Mormon-produced archive to make family connections

Lifestyle & Belief

Romney sparks new interest in Mormons serving missions around the world

Lifestyle & Belief

Romney’s religion shines light on Mormon food storage practices

Lifestyle & Belief

As Mitt Romney moves forward in the political campaign, it’s been an opportunity for Americans to learn about the Mormon church. In a recent article in The New York Times, some Mormons wondered whether the Romneys would have a food storage supply in the White House, in keeping with a practice encouraged by the church.

Book of Mormon composer Robert Lopez plays songs from the show

Arts, Culture & Media

Robert Lopez, who teamed up with South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker to create the new musical Book of Mormon, plays some of the songs from the show.

Mormonism takes center stage in American politics

Lifestyle & Belief

With two Mormons now running for President, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman, Mormonism may be entering the mainstream consciousness like never before in American history.

London’s ‘I’m a Mormon’ Ad Campaign

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the UK has launched an advertizing campaign. The church hopes to benefit from all the publicity surrounding the Broadway show, "The Book of Mormon," which is now pulling them in, in London's West End.

Man and woman with baby in front of house

Many Latino Mormons are torn about Mitt Romney

Between their religion and their generally conservative culture, Mitt Romney ought to have a lock on their vote. But many in the Latino Mormon community are torn between voting for a fellow Mormon — and their dislike of his immigration policies.