Mobile technology

Charlie Hebdo protests

After Charlie Hebdo, what next? Readers weigh in on the long-term effects of the attack

Global Politics

The shooting in Paris has created waves around the world. We asked our SafeMode community what repercussions Wednesday’s attack has already had for free speech, international security, radicalization and activism.

Cell phones teach South African students

Mobile banking flourishes in Haiti

Cell phone use and cancer

Health & Medicine

Wireless Innovation Project winners

Should Texting While Driving Be Illegal?

According to a Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association report, roughly two trillion text messages were sent in the U.S. last year. Over the summer, our texting addiction came to the center of the national debate, when texting drivers caused deaths in Michigan, California, and Georgia. Thirty-three states have outlawed texting while driving. The Takeaway asks whether […]

The World

Texting While Driving: Is It Dangerous?

The Takeaway asks whether text messaging really is as dangerous as critics say, and if so, is outlawing texting while driving the best solution? We speak with Daniel McGehee of the University of Iowa.

The World

Flight of Technology

Steven Cherry reports on recent research about the use of electronic devices, including cell phones, on airline navigation systems.

The World

Dangers of ‘car phones’ known early

A new report out by our partner The New York Times shows evidence of a cell phone industry that was aware of those risks decades before most people had ever seen seen the devices initially marketed as ‘car phones.’

The World

Cell phones in Zimbabwe

Conflict & Justice

The World’s Clark Boyd reports that Zimbabweans have been using text-messaging and cellphones to stay up-to-date as they await word on the results of their presidential election.