Middle Ages

Human bones are laid out on a blue cloth. Behind them is a photo of them in the earth

Rare gems in skeleton’s teeth challenges thinking about Medieval women

A 1,000-year-old skeleton of a woman was discovered at a monastery cemetery shows that she painted with rare, expensive pigments — and she licked a brush frequently, leaving the traces of lapis lazuli in her dental plaque. The finding shows that women contributed more to painting and literature that previously thought.

Five Things You Had to See Online This Week

Arts, Culture & Media
Every year, a jousting tournament is held at Kaltenburg Castle.

Fancy a joust? Name the German state that hosts a medieval-style jousting tournament

Geo Quiz
Every year, a jousting tournament is held at Kaltenburg Castle.

Fancy a joust? Name the German state that hosts a medieval-style jousting tournament

Geo Quiz
Every year, a massive jousting tournament is held at Kaltenberg Castle.

A Bavarian prince opens up his castle for a jousting tournament

How Arabic Science Gave Us the Renaissance

Between the powerful days of the Roman Empire and the intellectually vibrant era of the Renaissance, there was a time that we often refer to as Early Middle Ages, or more pejoratively, as the Dark Ages. During these centuries, literature, written history, and cultural achievements were on the decline in the western world.  But just a […]

The World

Geo answer

Global Politics

Today’s Geo Quiz asked for the name of the place where a key battle between the English and the French took place during the Hundred Years’ War.

The World

New era for tiny British isle

Global Politics

Feudalism has finally come to an end on the tiny British island of Sark in the English Channel. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with a newly-elected council member to find out why it took so long.