Media coverage of Catholic sex abuse cases

The World

Vatican letter told Bishops not to report child abuse

Lifestyle & Belief

David Clohessy, director of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, says that the 1997 letter undermines persistent Vatican claims that Rome never instructed bishops to withhold evidence. Joe Rigert puts this new development in context.

Colm O'Gorman

It’s only a start, but the Vatican testimony is encouraging for one abuse victim

Conflict & Justice

The Pope accused of crimes against humanity

Lifestyle & Belief

John Patrick Shanley on “Doubt”

Arts, Culture & Media

Immigrant Taxi Drivers Pay the Price for Corrupt Practices

Global Politics

Environmental Literacy

Steve talks with Dianne Dumanowski, environmental reporter for the Boston Globe.

The World

New abuse allegations land close to the pope

Global Politics

When Pope Benedict XVI was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he did not defrock a priest who allegedly molested as many as 200 deaf boys over the course of decades, according to records obtained by The New York Times.

The World

Church sexual abuse cases rock Europe; one lands in Indiana

Lifestyle & Belief

Hundreds of sexual abuse cases against Catholic priests have been surfacing in Ireland over the past weeks and the Pope said he will address the crisis in a repentance letter tomorrow.

The World

Can the Globe stay afloat?

The future of the Boston Globe is in peril, as the paper’s owner, The New York Times Company, and the unions continue to negotiate. The company is looking for $20 million of cost cuts in order to save the 137-year-old broadsheet.

The World

The Chicago Catholic Church settles sex abuse claims, but has it reformed?

Global Politics

The Archdiocese of Chicago agreed to a $12.7-million settlement six years after the first Catholic Church sex abuse scandal broke. Despite the Pope’s call for change, has the church addressed this problem? Guest: Kevin Eckstrom, editor Religion News Service