Magic realism

A scale model of the real house at 306 Hollywood Avenue, from the documentary “306 Hollywood.”

Elan and Jonathan Bogarín’s magical realist documentary

How a brother and sister turned their late grandma’s house full of junk into a surreal and beautifully poignant film, “306 Hollywood.”

Puerto Candelaria

If you set magical realism to music, it might sound like this


Gabriel García Márquez influenced writers and readers all over the world

Arts, Culture & Media

Gabriel García Márquez influenced writers and readers all over the world

Arts, Culture & Media

Aha Moment: “Love and Rockets”

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Acclaimed novelist Carlos Fuentes on new book, ‘Destiny and Desire’

Arts, Culture & Media

As a contemporary of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Carlos Fuentes returns to magical realism in his latest novel, ‘Destiny and Desire,’ in which he reflects on the state of modern Mexico and its endemic violence.