Libertarianism in the United States

A solar panel on top of the Georgia Tech Aquatic Center. The battle over solar energy in the state has had national implications for the Tea Party.

The ‘green’ Tea Party fights for a more environmentally friendly GOP


Some members of the Tea Party are leading a movement to reclaim conservation as a conservative value. But their efforts to back solar power in the name of economic freedom are still far from mainstream in the conservative world.

The World

What is the ‘new American Tea Party?’ And where is it headed?

Conflict & Justice

Some Libertarians worry Ron Paul giving the wrong impression of their ideas

Global Politics

No talk of war on the campaign trail

Global Politics

A New History of the Tea Party Movement

Denmark’s New ‘Fat’ Tax

Global Politics

Denmark’s new government is pushing through a nationwide fat and sugar tax.

The World

The Tea Party’s take on the debt crisis

Global Politics

The House of Representatives passed a landmark deal yesterday as the United States inched closer to defaulting on its debts. As the bill makes its way over to the Senate many are noting the influence that the Tea Party had on the outcome.

The World

A Takeaway listener and Tea Party member says GOP is hijacking the movement

Global Politics

David Sloan, an early Tea Party member, fears the Tea Party is being co-opted by the Republican Party. We spoke with him about what his particular fears were, and where he draws the lines of difference between the Republican agenda and his own.

The World

NAACP accuses Tea Party of harboring racists

Conflict & Justice

The NAACP has released a report called ‘Tea Party Nationalism’ that has renewed accusations that the Tea Party groups ‘have given platform to anti-Semites, racists and bigots.’ Tea Partiers are again disputing that claim.

The World

Examining the Tea Party’s divine claim to nation’s founding

Global Politics

We talk with Harvard historian Jill Lepore who says Tea Party members embrace a narrative about America’s founding that is not only a fiction, but also a variety of religious fundamentalism.