Laws of war

A boy stands next to the remains of a missile as people line up for aid in the city of Douma in Damascus, Syria, on April 16, 2018.

Syria, chemical weapons and the limits of international law


Before the next horrific round of attacks on civilians begins – in Syria or elsewhere – it is important to improve the UN’s flawed legal framework for authorizing the use of force in response to chemical weapons attacks on civilians.

All members with the exception of Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin and China's deputy U.N. Ambassador Wang Min vote in the United Nations Security Council in favor of referring the Syrian crisis to the International Criminal Court for investigation o

The Geneva Conventions look useless in the face of today’s potential war crimes


Guantanamo Bay and an unending war on terror

Global Politics

New Bill Would Redefine ‘Enemy Combatant’

The World

Killing vs. capturing terrorists

Conflict & Justice
The World

Supreme Court ruling on Guant-namo

Global Politics

The Supreme Court ruled today that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guant-namo Bay have the right to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts

The World

Seeking a ban on cluster bombs

An international conference aimed at building support for a treaty banning the use of cluster bombs wrapped up in New Zealand today, and so far, 82 countries have signaled their support