Isaac Asimov's Robot Series

Daniel H. Wilson

After the robot apocalypse, what else could go wrong?


Science fiction writer Daniel Wilson’s new novel, Robogenesis, imagines a world where the lines between human and machine become increasingly blurred. But those lines are also disappearing in real life.Science fiction writer Daniel Wilson’s new novel, Robogenesis, imagines a world where the lines between human and machine become increasingly blurred. But those lines are also disappearing in real life.

Robots in post-quake Japan

The World

Cockroach, Robot, Astronaut

The World

Emerging Science Note/Weed-Killing Robots

The World

Emerging Science Note/Self-Sustaining Robot

The World

Lethal autonomous systems: the ethics of programming robots for war

Arts, Culture & Media

Now that it’s possible to program unmanned combat vehicles to make decisions about where (and who) to strike in war situations, there are new ethical questions to examine.