Independent films

The World

Melissa Leo on ‘Welcome to the Rileys’

Melissa Leo joins us from New Orleans to talk about ‘Welcome to the Rileys’ and her many other projects.

Mark Duplass discusses the Hollywood trend of writing for the lovable losers

Arts, Culture & Media

Bully Rating Reveals MPAA’s Inner Working

Children’s Violence on Film: ‘Hunger Games’ v. ‘Bully’

Death Sentence Dropped for Former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal

The World

David Cronenberg

David Cronenberg is best known for films like The Fly, The Dead Zone, Dead Ringers and A History of Violence. They can be shocking, violent, and gory but they’re also unmistakably personal films that make you think while you’re squirming in your seat.

DEAD-icated Scientists

Zombies could destroy our society unless we unleash our most powerful weapon: Mathematics.

The World

Stephen Dorff on ‘Somewhere’

Arts, Culture & Media

Stephen Dorff talks with us about his new film, working with Sofia Coppola and Elle Fanning, the nature of celebrity, and the strange world of child stars.

The World

Todd Solondz on ‘Life During Wartime’

Arts, Culture & Media

Legendary indie director Todd Solondz talks with us about pushing the boundaries of storytelling, and the balance between discomfort and honesty in his films.

The World

Lloud Kaufman

Arts, Culture & Media

Faith talks to splatter film pioneer Lloyd Kaufman about his new Troma Entertainment movie, “Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.”