
Death of internet activist and innovator creates call for updated copyright law


The death of Aaron Swartz has added a new data point to the discussion of mental health services available in the United States. That’s certainly the case. But for some people, his death is also an issue in an ongoing battle over copyright law.

Science fiction author China Miéville discusses ‘Embassytown’

Arts, Culture & Media

Microsoft’s Bill Buxton on risk and innovation

The World

China’s Reception of New US Ambassador Gary Locke

Global Politics
The World

Steven Johnson on ‘Where Good Ideas Come From’

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

Any bright ideas? Brainstorming small business ideas

Laid-off workers across the country are building business plans instead of sending out resumes. Economists say that when the economy takes a dive, it’s common for people to turn to their inner entrepreneur to start their own businesses.