Human–computer interaction

What can the NSA do with phone and Internet data?

Global Politics

The NSA is tracking phone and Internet data on American citizens and has been for years. It’s estimated that one in seven NSA investigations utilize information from top PRISM, their top-secret Internet data tracking program. What does the government want with these massive stores of data?

Austin prepares to welcome second installation of Google’s Fiber project


VIDEO: Google’s goggles? Search giant unveils Project Glass effort to mainstream augmented reality


Iranian hacker dupes Google, activists worried


Google and GoDaddy go to Washington


Internet addiction and depression

Health & Medicine

A new study from the University of Leeds in England finds links between excessive internet use and depression.

Europe’s problem with Google and privacy

Global Politics

While the United States focused on Facebook’s byzantine privacy policies, Europe stewed over Google Street View’s capture of people’s private data.

Google mapping goes underwater


Google Ocean lets users explore the underwater terrain, and view articles and videos about marine science.

Making Google forget

Personal information released on the internet can be nearly impossible to erase. Some people are trying to force Google and Facebook to forget.

This is your brain on Google


Research shows doing online searches can actually increase the level of activity in your brain.