
The hind legs or 'pollen basket' of a pollinating bee clings to a Salvia 'Mystic Spires Blue' sage flower at the United States Botanic Garden in Washington

Alberta’s diminishing bee colonies could have severe economic, environmental implications, expert says


Canada’s Alberta province has seen a 50% loss in its bee colonies this year alone. Experts fear this could have a major impact on crops and honey production. Rod Scarlett, executive director of the Canadian Honey Council, spoke to The World’s host Marco Werman about the situation.

When it comes to honey, in many stores you’re not getting what you think


A Perfect Climate is Key to Yemen’s Sough-After Honey


Bee Populations in Decline, Debate Swarms Around Pesticides


Bee Honest

Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

New research points to the link between a common insecticide and Colony Collapse Disorder that has wiped out many honeybee hives.

Honey Bees Monitor Pollution at Frankfurt Airport

A research project at Germany’s Frankfurt airport is using bees to monitor polution levels.

Bees On Their Knees

Scientists are abuzz over the recent collapse of honeybee colonies.

The World

Killer Bees Head for California

Stephanie O’Neill reports from San Diego on preparations for the arrival of aggressive honey bees slowly moving north from Mexico. The so-called “killer bees” interbreed with conventional honey bees. They threaten both humans and the state’s number one industry, agriculture.

The World

Killer Bees Head for California

Stephanie O’Neill reports from San Diego on preparations for the arrival of aggressive honey bees slowly moving north from Mexico. The so-called “killer bees” interbreed with conventional honey bees. They threaten both humans and the state’s number one industry, agriculture.