
Child in the shade outside

Families leaving traditional education have lessons for those left behind


A shake-up in education pushes us into the future of learning.

De-schooling our lives

Finding Work-Life Balance as a Child Caregiver

Will Parent Trigger Laws Improve Schools?

Homeschooling on the Rise Among African-Americans

‘Tebow Bill’ May Allow Home-Schoolers to Play on High School Teams

Named for Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow who was allowed to play sports at his local high school during his home-school days, a new bill could give Virginian home-schooled students the chance to play sports with their peers. While some are applauding the opportunity for these students to have a chance to participate, others say it’s […]

The World

Unpopular opinion

Fair Game correspondent Matt Pack offers an unpopular opinion on home-schooling.

The World

Home schooling

San Francisco Chronicle reporter Jill Tucker talks about the recent California state appeals court ruling which declared that homeschooling by parents without teaching credentials is illegal.