
Indian street sign in four languages: Hindi, English, Punjabi and Urdu.

India’s new leader favors the Hindi language, which is a problem for the country’s 50 million Urdu speakers


Hindi and Urdu are similar when spoken. But they use different scripts– and have been cultural and religious symbols. Hindi and Urdu are similar when spoken. But they use different scripts– and have been cultural and religious symbols.

Pakistani scholars concerned that Urdu script being lost to technology

Bollywood Dance-Off in Berkeley

Arts, Culture & Media

A Desi Party Grows in Brooklyn

Global Hit
The World

The Bombay Royale: Retro-Bollywood Music from Australia

Arts, Culture & Media

Hollywood Entices Indian Movie-Goers With Hindi Song for ‘The Avengers’

Arts, Culture & Media

Hollywood’s latest attempt to entice foreign movie-goers into seats is a Hindi-language music video. It will accompany the Indian release of the $260 million blockbuster “The Avengers.” The World’s Aaron Schachter reports.

The World

Will Pakistan’s Urdu Script Be Lost in Texting Translation?

Arts, Culture & Media

The young generation in Pakistan, that has grown up using SMS as the predominant means of written communication, is using Latin script to write Urdu.

The World

The Terror Taboo

Arts, Culture & Media

In the last decade, American movie studios have been skittish about building storylines around terrorism. Meanwhile in India, Bollywood has been making lots of films that depict the sensitive topic. WNYC’s Arun Venugopal shows Kurt how Bollywood is doing something Hollywood won’t.

The World

Geo answer

Conflict & Justice

The answer to today’s Geo Quiz is the Indian state of Maharashtra, home to India’s movie industry known as Bollywood. Anchor Jeb Sharp speaks with Harshita Kohli, an entertainment reporter.

The World

Global Hit

Arts, Culture & Media

The World’s Lisa Mullins introduces us to Ron Singh of the UK band, Kissmet. Singh tells us how his band mixes 1970s English progressive rock with classic Bollywood music from the 50s and 60s.