
Small brown bat

A bat-killing disease is even more destructive than previously thought


White-nose syndrome has killed over 5 million bats in North America since 2008, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. A new study has allowed researchers to map the progression of the disease — but that knowledge may not be enough to slow it down.

Animals adopt varying techniques to get through long days of winter


Deadly bat disease kills entire colonies


Animal Winter Behavior, With Zoologist Donna Fernandes



An audio remedy for nature-deficit syndrome.

Seventeen Year Cicada

The cicadas are back, and commentator Tom Montgomery-Fate wonders if we can learn something from their unusual lifespan and behavior.

The World

Saving Bat Habitat

In a National Geographic Radio Expedition, NPR’s, Christopher Joyce reports on efforts to prevent some abandoned mines in Michigan’s upper peninsula from being filled in after thousands of bats were discovered hibernating in them.