Gynaecological cancer

Baby powder commercial

Women are suing Johnson & Johnson over talcum powder


Talcum powder has been used for more than a century on babies and many people use it for daily hygiene. But a spate of recent lawsuits and some studies suggest using talc could lead to ovarian cancer in adult women. Still, the science is far from settled.

Osman Chandab in Melbourne, Australia contracted whooping cough before getting vaccinated.

No matter where in the world you are, opting out of childhood vaccines can be a catastrophic choice


Best care for ovarian cancer poses problems for patients

Health & Medicine

Cancer’s New Battleground: Infectious diseases a leading cancer cause

Health & Medicine

Cancer’s New Battleground: In India, a simple test of vinegar makes all the difference

Health & Medicine
A medical team at Tata Memorial Hospital.

Part III: An Ounce of Prevention

Health & Medicine

Cervical cancer is far more common in the developing world than in the US. One reason: women in the US receive routine screening that catches it in its earliest stages. A low-cost test being rolled out in India could save tens of thousands of lives.

A young Burkitt's lymphoma patient.

Part IV: The Infectious Connection

Health & Medicine

Cancer can be triggered by infectious diseases, especially in impoverished parts of the world. Scientists in the US and Africa are working to unravel how viruses and bacteria cause malignancies.

The World

Object Breast Cancer

Arts, Culture & Media

The pink ribbon has been an incredibly successful piece of marketing for breast cancer research. For cancer survivor Leonor Caraballo, though, it’s supremely annoying. “I’ve always hated the color pink,” she says.

Cancer as Silent Killer in ‘Memoir of a Debulked Woman’

Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer. Most women don’t receive a diagnosis until the disease has spread and the chances for survival have dwindled. Unlike breast cancer, the chances for long-term survival with ovarian cancer have hardly improved since the 1970s. The available treatments are extraordinarily painful, as  Dr. Vivian Bearing, the main character in […]

Bioethics Professors Challenge Bachmann’s HPV Claims

Minnesota Congresswoman and presidential contender Michele Bachmann continues to draw criticism, after making remarks this week that the HPV vaccine is dangerous for young girls. Speaking with Matt Lauer on NBC’s “Today Show,” Bachmann said that a woman on Florida told her that her daughter had received the vaccine, and “suffered from mental retardation after.” […]