Gulf War

Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution & Islamic Republic of Iran Army used many zu-23 in Iran-iraq war.

History of Iraq part III: US-Iraq relations

Global Politics

Until 2003, US policy toward Iraq had been determined by three main strategic goals: ensuring the free flow of oil from the Persian Gulf, preventing any regional power from dominating the Gulf, and defending Israel. Jeb Sharp traces how Washington alternately shunned and cultivated Baghdad, and how US policy toward Iraq evolved after 9/11.

Three U.S. Navy McDonnell Douglas F/A-18C Hornet fighters from strike fighter squadron VFA-83 Rampagers fly in formation over the desert during "Operation Desert Storm" on 3 February 1991.

How wars end part IV: the Gulf War

Conflict & Justice

Takeaway Listener Talks U.S. Syria Intervention & Gulf War Memories

US Role in Chemical Attacks During the Iran-Iraq War

Global Politics

Desert Storm’s General Norman Schwarzkopf remembered

Global Politics

Obama set to honor Iraq War veterans with state dinner, but some looking for more

A small group of the hundreds of thousands of Iraq War veterans will be saluted by President Barack Obama at a state dinner at the White House on Wednesday night. But many veterans’ groups say we need a broader rally that allows all Americans to honor every Iraq War veterans.

United States plans’ for leaving Iraq include large military presence in Kuwait

With all U.S. troops set to leave Iraq by year’s end, the U.S. Army is planning to transform a logistics base in Kuwait back into a base for combat force.

CSI Iraq: Biometric crime fighting or hit list?


The United States has collected a massive amount of biometric data on Iraqis during the Iraq war. Some say that data is dangerous.

Anti-war veterans protest at RNC

Global Politics

About 100 Iraq War veterans are in St. Paul to give Republicans a piece of their mind.

Iraqi Refugees in the US Reflect on War’s Anniversary

Conflict & Justice

The war in Iraq officially ended nearly a year and a half ago. But refugees from the conflict are still being admitted to the US by the thousands. Reporter Adrian Florido of the Fronteras public radio partnership reports.