Ghaith Abdul-Ahad

Free Syrian Army fighters prepare a locally-made launcher beside Aleppo International Airport.

A businessman, a smuggler and an army defector tell the tale of Syria’s struggle

Conflict & Justice

Ghaith Abdul-Ahad of The Guardian newspaper profiles three characters — a businessman, a smuggler and an army defector — thrown together by Syria’s war. The three men are frustrated, but committed, to Syria’s civil war.

Libya's Prime Minister Ali Zeidan was abducted by milita gunmen and was released after few hours on Thursday.

Who’s in charge in the new Middle East and North Africa?

Global Politics
The World

The Influx of Foreign Fighters in Syria

Conflict & Justice

A Journalist’s View of Syria Stalemate

Global Politics
The World

Drone Attacks in Yemen Reportedly Drive Recruits to al-Qaeda

Global Politics
The World

Freedom of the press in Iraq

Global Politics

There’s growing concern over freedom of the press in Iraq. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Ghaith Abdul Ahad, a reporter with the Guardian newspaper of London.

The World

Dancing boys of Afghanistan

Conflict & Justice

An ancient tradition banned by the Taliban is now experiencing a comeback in Afghanistan. It’s the practice of bacha bazi or boy for play’. Anchor Marco Werman speaks with Ghaith Abdul Ahad, who wrote about �bacha bazi’ for The Guardian newspaper.