George W. Romney

Romney vows to increase trade relations with Latin America

Global Politics

In their debates, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama have clashed repeatedly over the economy. In the final debate, Romney vowed to focus on Latin America, an area where he said Obama hasn’t engaged — but is that even possible?

VIDEO: Romney under fire for comments recorded on secret video

Global Politics

The President’s Next Four Years

The Implications of the US Election for Israel

Global Politics
The World

Mormons in the Middle East

Arts, Culture & Media

Romney Lays Out Foreign Policy in Virginia

Speaking at Virginia Military Institute in Lexington, Virginia, Republic presidential nominee Mitt Romney gave a key foreign policy address Monday afternoon. His focus was primarily on the Middle East. In the speech, Romney laid out his plan to take the United States back to an earlier era in global affairs with what one of his […]

The World

Team Romney Struggling to Connect with Nevada’s Latinos

Conflict & Justice

In Nevada, there’s a last-minute election push to reach out to Latinos, who make up 27 percent of the population. President Obama is leading among Latino voters, but the Romney campaign is trying to make some inroads in a key swing state.

The World

What a Second Term Might Mean for Obama’s Asia Policy

Global Politics

If Barack Obama wins re-election in November, what might his second term look like in terms of foreign policy? The World’s Jason Margolis reports.

Romney Wins Michigan and Arizona Primaries

The Romney campaign may be breathing a sigh of relief this morning. A loss in Mitt’s home state would have been devastating, which makes the victory all the sweeter. Rick Santorum came close to pulling off a coup, but in the end Romney won with 41 percent of the votes. It was more decisive in […]

An ‘Inside Look’ at Mitt Romney

Many modern political dynasties are built on “like father, like son.” However, Mitt Romney’s cautious presidential bid in many ways highlights how he’s different from his old man. In 1967, former Michigan Governor George Romney candidly revealed that he had changed his stance on the Vietnam War with the remark, “When I came back from […]