Geography of China

Students sit through class in a rural Chinese school. American writer Lenora Chu's new book is called "Little Soldiers: An American Boy, A Chinese School, and the Global Race to Achieve."

At this elite Chinese kindergarten, ‘We don’t pick children. We pick parents.’


Chinese American writer Lenora Chu was delighted when she secured a coveted spot a Shanghai kindergarten for her son. Then came the stress, anxiety and confusion. Chu’s new book about China’s education system is called “Little Soldiers.”

NSA whistleblower reveals himself, hopes for safety in Hong Kong

Global Politics

In China, a new building has a nearby knockoff before its even built

China embroiled in political scandal after murder charges filed against wife of party leader

Global Politics

Terrorist attack in China raise Olympic concerns

Millions Endure Record Heat Wave in China’s Financial Center


A heatwave is affecting parts of eastern China with no relief in sight. Daytime temperatures have soared as high as 105 degrees making it the hottest July in over a century.

Air Rage in China’s Airports

According to FlightStats in June of this year only 18 percent of flights out of Beijing’s international airport left on time. This has led to an increase of air rage among passengers. Anchor Carol Hills speaks with Tea Leaf Nation’s Liz Carter.

21st Century Cold War? Tensions Rise Between U.S. and Russia, China

It probably feels like a long summer for Edward Snowden, who has been stuck in a Moscow airport transit area for a full month. That could soon change, however. There have been conflicting reports that Snowden  received permission to leave the Moscow airport and enter Russia–which may signal a possible prelude to eventual political asylum. Yet […]

Ancient Chinese Art in the New World

Arts, Culture & Media

Our Geo Quiz can be boiled down to one simple question: Where would you find caves carved out of limestone cliffs, and filled with silk banners and colorful 8th century frescoes to attract Buddhist worshipers?

Choosing New Leaders in China

Global Politics

The Chinese Communist Party opened a pivotal Congress, which will usher in a new set of Chinese leaders. Anchor Aaron Schachter speaks with The World’s Mary Kay Magistad in Beijing.