Food waste

Turkish breakfasts are elaborate and offer a wide variety of options eaten over the course of an hour or two. Diners are not expected to eat everything on the table. 

In Istanbul, the classic ‘Turkish breakfast’ comes under fire for food waste


Turkey is famous for its elaborate breakfasts, featuring a huge spread of a wide variety of foods that can take hours to eat. Critics say the traditional breakfast is indulgent and leads to food waste. Others say it’s part of the culture and here to stay.

A Chinese girl looks upon a table full of food during a "1,000 people dumpling feast" in Liuminying village on the outskirt of Beijing, China, Jan. 27, 2017.

China’s ‘Operation Empty Plate’ targets food waste

Trash bins full of food

Food waste increases during the pandemic — compounding an existing problem

A hand holds two food products in plastic boxes at a market

Finland’s answer to food waste: ‘Best-before’ is actually good later — with a discount


New companies want to deliver ugly produce to your door to help eliminate food waste

A man in a white uniform shines a light into the cardboard where cockroaches are being farmed. On his left are a dozen large bugs.

Cockroaches corralled by the millions in China to crunch waste

Cockroaches have become a way to manage food waste and and feed livestock in China and the bug business is booming.

Two men brewing with bread

This British company is turning food waste into beer


Toast Ale has been making beer out of surplus bread for two years. Now the British beer-maker is trying to get other breweries in on the game.

It's still not the norm at restaurants in Paris to ask for a doggy bag. But the French government wants to change that.

The French may soon have to accept ‘le doggy bag’


In France, a restaurant meal is considered something to be experienced under the watchful eye of the chef. So there’s no tradition of taking home leftovers. But the French government would like to change that to reduce food waste.

Bulk food bins

A new store opening in Brooklyn aims to reduce food and packaging waste


Bulk food bins have been around for a while. But an entire store devoted to selling everything in bulk, eliminating packaging and asking shoppers to bring their own containers is relatively new. The Fillery, a new store due to open in Brooklyn later this year, wants to be that store.

From trash to haute cuisine--the ingredients of these servings of white bean and lentil salad with oranges and mint had been headed to the dumpster at a wholesale market before they were slavaged by the staff of Paris' Freegan Pony restaurant.

At this Paris restaurant, ‘freegans’ fight waste by cooking up food diverted from the dumpster


Researchers figure that roughly a third of all the food we produce is never eaten. In Paris, a new restaurant is taking a small slice out of all that waste by salvaging discarded food from a local market, cooking it up into fine cuisine, and serving it on a “pay-what-you-can” basis to a clientele that includes some of the city’s neediest residents.