
Palm trees on fire

California is living America’s dystopian future

For a growing number of novelists, climate change hints at the dark secret of the perfect place, of bad decisions that all America shares.

Doctor Frankenstein and his monster, depicted here at the Movieland Wax Museum in Niagara Falls, Canada, have become a fixture of Halloween lore.

On the 200-year anniversary of Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein,’ we look at some possible modern-day monsters in the tech world


Science Goes To The Movies: Blade Runner 2049

"Female" robots Tessy and Tess wear white stiletto heels and pole dance during a demonstration at the Tobit Software stand at the 2014 CeBIT trade fair in Hanover, Germany.

The ‘sexy robot’ idea has a long history. Is it also the future of loneliness?

Gabriel García Márquez working on "One Hundred Years of Solitude."

Gabriel García Márquez’s archive, including an unpublished novel, is heading to Texas

A 21-foot tall model of the Transformers character Optimus Prime is displayed on the red carpet before the world premiere of the film "Transformers: Age of Extinction" in Hong Kong.

Some sci-fi writers want fewer killer robots and more vision for the future

Does sci-fi always have to depict a dark, gloomy future for humanity? Two prominent sci-fi writers are prodding their colleagues to paint a more positive vision of the future in their works.Does sci-fi always have to depict a dark, gloomy future for humanity? Two prominent sci-fi writers are prodding their colleagues to paint a more positive vision of the future in their works.

The World

Studio 360 – Episode 848 – Fakes and Saltbreakers – Forge This

One of the most notorious art forgeries of the 20th century happened in England in the 1990s when two men were arrested for spectacularly exploiting the vulnerabilities of the art market. Art dealer John Drewe handled the paperwork, and John Myatt handled the paintbrush — and they almost got away with it.

The World

Studio 360 – Episode 845 – The Great Gatsby – Segment 6

Gatsby Gets Schooled

Students in Garth Wolkoff’s English class in Brooklyn admire Gatsby, and find Daisy suspiciously ?chillax.? Azar Nafisi, who taught the book in Tehran, recounts the time her university students put the book on trial. The decadent capitalist Jay Gatsby, she says, should be a warning for radical Islamists.

The World

Studio 360 – Episode 845 – The Great Gatsby – Segment 4

A Love Note to St. Paul

Novelist Patricia Hampl recalls Fitzgerald’s notorious, black-sheep reputation in their shared home town, St. Paul. She thinks the critics underestimated him: when it comes to modern life, other novelists — even Hemingway ?- were ?slow on the uptake.?

The World

‘Law and the Multiverse’ Considers Superheroes, Legalities

Conflict & Justice

Would the X-Men’s Scott Summers qualify for workplace protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act? (Probably). Is it illegal to attempt to reveal a superhero’s secret identity? Likely, as the courts have held that a right to privacy includes “emotional solitude.” Just how hard would it be to get insurance against the super-villains who keep […]