
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio, California April 12, 2014

It’s not OK to wear a Native American headdress at this Canadian music festival


Native American headdresses have been everywhere this year, from fashion shows to musical festivals to the heads of Kardashians. But one place they won’t be is the Bass Coast Festival in British Columbia, which has banned headdresses out of respect for its native neighbors.Native American headdresses have been everywhere this year, from fashion shows to musical festivals to the heads of Kardashians. But one place they won’t be is the Bass Coast Festival in British Columbia, which has banned headdresses out of respect for its native neighbors.

An artist's impression of feathered dinosaurs

Was T. Rex actually pink and covered in feathers?


Hawks Patrol the Skies at Wimbledon

The World

BirdNote® Mating for Life

Evolution of a Natural Miracle

Arts, Culture & Media
The World

BirdNote® Mating for Life

Looking for lifelong love? Well, if you’re a North American bird, romance usually lasts for a mere single breeding season.

Hydrogen Feathers

Chemical engineers have found heated chicken feathers can efficiently store hydrogen without a huge price tag.

A Gap in Nature

In the first of an occasional series, we hear about an animal that is no more. We begin with the mamo, a Hawaiian bird known for its beautiful feathers.

Hand-me-down Feathers

Host Steve Curwood talks with Christine Sheppard of the Bronx Zoo. She coordinates an innovative program that exports molted feathers from hornbills in U.S. zoos to Malaysia, where they can be used in traditional ceremonies.

The World

Technology Note/Chicken Chips

Living on Earth’s Cynthia Graber reports on research into using chicken feathers as the base material for computer chips.