
Old growth Douglas fir trees stand along the Salmon river Trail on the Mt. Hood National Forest

1 in 6 trees in the US threatened with extinction


A recent study concludes that 1 in 6 US tree species are at risk of extinction, largely due to pests and disease.

The book cover for "Eating to Extinction," by Dan Saladino.

‘Eating to Extinction’ author rallies for a more diverse global food system

Barbary macaque endangered

A sobering report on biodiversity loss spurs big plans to save species

Coral reef

A UN report says Earth faces ‘unprecedented’ threat to biodiversity

toy dinosaurs on a yellow background

What makes some species more likely to go extinct?

passenger pigeon

Why did passenger pigeons go extinct?


New research into pigeon genetics may provide some clues.

The vaquita marina is a critically endangered porpoise species that lives only in the northern part of the Gulf of California. Scientists believe the population may be down to just 30 animals.

Adios, vaquita marina? Mexico’s ‘little sea cow’ is being pushed to the edge of extinction.


The world’s smallest porpoise species has been brought to the edge of extinction by illegal fishing in Mexico. And it’s not even the porpoise itself that fishermen are after.


The quest for the ‘Asian unicorn’


The saola, nicknamed the Asian unicorn, has been known to Western science for only about 20 years. Its habits and way of life are still mysteries. But one thing about it is clear: It’s living on the verge of extinction.

The total number of wild animals in the world has dropped by more than half in just 44 years, according to the World Wildlife Fund's new Living Planet Report. The report compiled data for more than 10,000 vertebrate species, along with trends in humanity'

Global wildlife populations have fallen by half — a stat that says it all


As humanity’s population has roughly doubled since 1970s, the earth has lost roughly half of its non-human animals over the past four decades. That’s the sobering conclusion of a new report from the World Wildlife Fund, which pins the blame for that decline squarely on humans.

If Derek Gow and other advocates of "rewilding" get their way, creatures like his Heck cattle will once again roam wild through parts of Europe.

‘Rewilding’ activists aim to bring back some long-extinct beasts to Europe


There’s a movement afoot in the UK and beyond to reintroduce a host of long-eradicated species, from wolves and bears to wild cows, rhinos and elephants.There’s a movement afoot in the UK and beyond to reintroduce a host of long-eradicated species, from wolves and bears to wild cows, rhinos and elephants.