Episcopal Church

An archbishop's mitre rests on its owner's ancient lead coffin in a forgotten tomb in London

Secret crypt in London: Beware of exploding bishops


A forgotten crypt has been uncovered in London with the remains of at least five archbishops of Canterbury from several centuries ago.

Gay bishop snubbed by Lambeth Conference

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Living on Earth Profile Series #16: Reverend James Parks Morton

The World

First Openly Gay Anglican Bishop Explains Choice to Retire

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Snubbed gay bishop throws his own party at Lambeth gathering

Lifestyle & Belief
The World

Anglican divisions at UK meeting

Lifestyle & Belief

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with the BBC’s Jane Little about the gathering of Anglican bishops in England.

The Prayer Campaign for a Slain Ugandan Gay Rights Activist

Conflict & Justice

Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly gay bishop in the Episcopal Church, talks about his “Prayer for David Kato” campaign. Pepe Julian Onziema, a gay rights activist and close friend of David Kato’s joins us from Uganda.