Energy crops

Study finds health issues with pigs consuming genetically modified foods


A new study linking consumption of genetically modified foods to stomach inflammation and reproductive problems in pigs is being used as fuel in the fight to have GM foods labeled in the United States. More than 20 states are currently considering related legislation.

Researcher says rising corn prices could spark global food riots

Experts say effects of U.S. drought likely to ripple across the globe


Farmers struggle as historic draught diminishes crop yields

Chinese delegation signs huge soybean trade agreement with the U.S.

Flooding destroys crops, prices hit record high

As the waters recede in Iowa, farmers are looking at damaged crops that are driving corn and soybean futures to record levels.

Fueling the food crisis

From ‘Living on Earth’ — some agriculture experts say demand for ethanol is to blame for the global food crisis.

The World

Why the US Drought May Be Felt Around the Globe

The impact of this summer’s drought in the US may well be felt around the globe and many of world’s poor will feel the squeeze as harvests fall and prices rise.

Wet Fields Prevent Corn Planting

Drenching rains have left many farmers in the eastern corn-belt with ground too wet for planting corn.

Worries for Argentine soy farmers

Soy farmers in Argentina have been watching the weather. It’s been a dry summer and soy crops are important to Argentina’s economy. Farmers have to worry about Wall Street speculation also. Julia Kumari Drapkin reports.