Energy conservation

New research finds Massachusetts a leader in energy conservation


Massachusetts received top marks in a study of what U.S. states are doing the best when it comes to promoting energy conservation. And while a lot of credit goes to current Governor Deval Patrick, many initiatives go back much further — even to Mitt Romney.

Amsterdam climate neutral by 2025

White House, automakers negotiate fuel efficiency standards


The state of the green revolution

The World

Creating a Thatched Roof

The World

First Solar-Powered International Flight

Anchor Marco Werman speaks with The World’s Clark Boyd in Brussels, who’s on hand to witness the completion of the first international flight of a solar-powered aircraft. The plane took off from Switzlerand earlier today.

The World

Tech Week in Review

The first of our newly minted “Global Tech: Week in Review” posts, offering links to the top stories from the past week. We’ll post it every Friday. This week, we take flight with the world’s first completely solar-powered aircraft!

Hungry Home Appliances

Sometimes, saving energy isn’t as obvious as turning out the lights when you leave a room. Many appliances, including TVs and VCRs, draw electricity, even when they’re turned off. Recently, major television and VCR makers and the Environmental Protection Agency announced plans to design energy-efficient units that will cut this waste in half. To find […]

Imagining the Hyper-Car

Energy efficiency pioneer Amory Lovins talks with host Steve Curwood about his concept of a hyper-car for the future. The hyper-car would be made of super light materials and be twice as efficient as a large combustion-engine vehicle.

The World

The Man from SMUD

John Reiger profiles David Freeman, head of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and longtime champion of energy conservation. Back in the Carter Administration, Freeman argued against the conventional wisdom that energy efficiency and economic growth were at odds with one another. Now, he heads a small utility that he has turned into both a profitable […]