Electronic warfare

The Cyber Warrior

Meet the hacking prodigy you definitely want on your side


Chris Doman doesn’t want to scare you, but cyber attacks are only getting worse. That’s why some hackers like him are pouring their time into “network defense,” trying to keep out cyber intruders that want to steal everything from credit card numbers to industrial secrets.

Dreadnoughtus schrani dinosaur illustration

Scientists have unearthed a massive new dinosaur — bigger than a jetliner

Global Scan
Cyberwarfare is increasingly prevalent in modern conflicts, and is getting "more complex and more dangerous," says NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

NATO takes aim at Russia’s attacks — online

Nir Gaist, 25-year-old owner of the Israeli firm Nyotron.

Israeli techie says it takes a cyber hacker to catch a cyber hacker

Darth Vader and his storm troopers terrorize the galaxy as hackers.

Cyber war, what is it good for? A lot more than you might think

Conflict & Justice

Experts see North’s hands in reported computer attack on South Korea

A cyber attack hit South Korean broadcasters and banks Wednesday, causing computers to crash, display an error message, or worse. Though the origin of the attack could take weeks, intelligence officials aren’t ruling out North Korea as the culprit.

U.S. computer security firm unveils report linking cyber hacking group to China’s military


A detailed report from an American computer security firm links members of a sophisticated Chinese cyber hacking group to the Chinese military. Chinese officials have rejected any allegations of involvement, but U.S. authorities are hoping China’s new leaders will take a new path.

Israeli businesses the target of spate of cyber attack

In Israel on Monday, El Al and the Tel Aviv stock exchange were hit by denial of service attacks, effectively shutting down the companies’ websites. The attacker were allegedly the work of anti-Israeli Saudi Arabians.

Cyber warfare developing into larger threat for U.S., it’s allies


Governments around the world are investing in training “kids” in cyber hacking in the hopes that they could be useful in a cyber war. And in this emerging area of warfare, the advantages the United States often has in warfare may not apply.

Internet freedom or real-world hypocrisy


The revolution in Tunisia is being hailed as a victory for internet freedoms, but government control is causing real problems.