Electromagnetic radiation

Searching for impossible silence

Noise permeates every aspect of modern life, especially city life. Is there anywhere a person can go for real silence?

The World

Science Note

The World

Night-time Illuminated

The World

Electromagnetic Radiation: Assessing the Threat

The World

Cover Up

The World

Electromagnetic Radiation: Assessing the Threat

Living on Earth host Steve Curwood explores the debate over the possible health impacts of electromagnetic fields. A number of studies have linked fields from powerlines, wiring, even appliances to several forms of cancer, but other studies have found no effect. As public concern continues to rise, policy-makers are still unsure of how  ? or […]

Listener Letters

Living on Earth hears from a listener about the good news on the environment beat.

Shine A Light

A solar-powered flashlight that does more than light up a room.

The World

Health Note/Drug Absorption

Living on Earth’s Jessica Penney reports on how scientists may be able to improve drug absorption by stealing a trick from tapeworms.

The World

Technology Note/Solar Surgery

Living on Earth’s Cynthia Graber reports on new research to use sunlight for surgery.