Election law

A young woman wearing a purple headdress marches in a rally with Standing Rock Sioux Nation

Backlash over North Dakota voter ID law could rally Native Americans


North Dakota’s tribes — with celebrity help — are mobilizing members ahead of midterm elections. “We will not be silenced by the blatant efforts to rob our people of our voice,” said four tribes in a joint press release.

Angel Sanchez spent 12 years in a Florida state prison. Today, he is a law student at The University of Miami and an advocate for voting rights for formerly incarcerated individuals.

‘I lost my right to vote before I ever had the right to vote’

Conflict & Justice
Voters cast their ballots in US midterm elections in Ferguson, Missouri, on November 4, 2014.

Think our voting system is colorblind? Think again


12 years after Bush v. Gore, election controversies still exist in absence of reform

Global Politics
The World

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