Election fraud

Amid evidence of widespread fraud during Russia's 2011 parliamentary elections, thousands took to the streets to protest. The Kremlin has since learned its lesson, say analysts.

Putin’s Russia promises its fairest elections now that it’s largely dismantled the opposition

Global Politics

Russia’s opposition likens itself to Michael Phelps facing an extreme challenge. “If you have a champion swimmer, and you fill up the pool with acid, he won’t be able to swim. But it doesn’t mean he’s a weak swimmer.”

Twenty six year-old Nidhi Misra voted for the first time. “I came out feeling very overwhelmed,” she says. “Overwhelmed with pride and with the realization that we are an effective democracy and the fact that we get to vote is a big deal. Because acros

Millions of Indians take to the polls in the biggest democratic election in the world

Global Politics

North Carolina Overhauls Election Process

U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Arizona voter citizenship provision

Global Politics

Pennsylvania awaits verdict on state’s new voter ID law

Global Politics

Some 750,000 Pennsylvania citizens may be barred from voting, under new law

Global Politics

A voter ID bill passed out of the Pennsylvania legislature may keep as many as 750,000 lawful voters away from the polls because they lack the specific IDs required by the new law. The majority of those 750,000 are low-income voters and minorities.

Voter ID laws a contentious issue as election season heats up

Global Politics

In the last four years, a half-dozen states have added laws that require voters to present a government-issued photo ID in order to cast a ballot in an election. Opponents say it disenfranchises poor and minority voters, while proponents say it’s needed to stem voter fraud.

A passionate call for more African media

Global Politics

The media over emphasize the problems in Africa, neglect the good stories, and don’t give solutions, according to one prominent African blogger.

Voter fraud and manipulation

Global Politics

Voter registrations challenged, illegally purged voter lists and other tactics to alter the outcome of this year’s election.

Trouble with voting machines

Global Politics

Early voters in West Virginia and Florida find their votes are being mangled by voting machines.