
Amazon moves aggressively into world of book publishing

As Amazon pushes harder into the world of book publisher, and not just seller, it’s making the big publishing companies nervous at the same time it reaches out to authors.

Man with device

Losing sleep? Blame your favorite electronic device


Newspapers and other media cash in on quickie e-books


Digital books replacing print in schools

The World

Finding the Next Fifty Shades of Grey

Arts, Culture & Media

E-Books and American Libraries

As e-books grow more and more popular, it’s not surprising that demand has grown, at online stores and libraries.  But last week, it became more difficult for readers to get their e-books at the library. In the past publishers allowed libraries to lend out an e-book an unlimited number of times, but last week Harper Collins […]

How Green are E-Books?

Electronic readers are revolutionizing the book industry. E-readers are paperless, but they aren’t necessarily greener than traditional books.