Domestic pig

Rent a Guinea Pig in Switzerland

Conflict & Justice

A renting service allows people with one guinea pig to rent another to keep the surviving pet company.

The World

Runaway Pig


The World

A Better Pig Sty

The World

Pigs to People: Hog Farming Boom


A Canadian scientist reduces pollution with a genetically modified pig.

The World

Pigs on the Run

For years, wild pigs have been increasing in number and have taken residence in seventeen states across the country. Some people like to hunt them for game, but others are upset about the ecological and property damage they’re causing. From California, Clay Scott reports.

The World


Commentator Verlyn Klinkenborg, who writes about “The Rural Life” for the New York Times contemplates the arrival two piglets that he hopes to raise for slaughter and what it all means for his relationship with the land.

The World



Animal manure on industrial farms can wreak environmental havoc. At the University of Guelph in Ontario, microbiologist Cecil Forsberg has found a solution to the problem. He genetically modified pigs to produce low-phosphorous manure.