
In just the first month of the war, scientists reported more than 80 dolphin deaths on the Turkish coast, according to the Turkish Marine Research Foundation. 

A spate of dolphin deaths in the Black Sea prompts scientists to search for answers


Since February, hundreds of dolphins have been found dead off the coasts of Ukraine, Bulgaria and Turkey. Scientists have pointed to the war in Ukraine as a possible cause. Navy sonar systems used to locate other vessels create powerful sounds that may be disorienting the marine animals. 

An axis deer looks up at a giraffe on Sir Bani Yas Island near Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Friday, June 9, 2017.

A new book explores culture within the animal kingdom

Pileated woodpecker

What the aye-aye and the woodpecker can tell us about how evolution works


Right whale born in cold North Atlantic waters beats odds, survives winter


New species of dolphin found right under researchers’ noses


Ocean noise may threaten dolphins, whales

Human activity is raising the noise levels in the ocean, which could threaten the lives of dolphins and endangered whales.

Right Whales in the Wrong Place

A North Atlantic Right Whale mother and newborn calf have been spotted in Cape Cod Bay. These endangered Right Whales usually give birth in the more balmy waters of Florida and Georgia at this time of year.

Teaching Blind Children to ‘See’ With Their Ears

Echolocation is a skill used by several animals for hunting and navigating. Bats, whales, dolphins and some birds send out sounds and listen back to the echoes these noises make as they strike nearby objects. Daniel Kish is an expert in the use of human echolocation. Kish has been blind since he was 13 months […]

Dimitrios Georgas, Vintner-Philosopher

“Do you want to see some dolphins?” Dimitrios Georgas asks me with a broad smile, as we stand in the middle of his family’s 20 acres of vineyards. In any other circumstance, it might be a surreal question for a vintner to ask you […]

Goat Accents

One bleat is not like the other. Scientists discover that goat kids develop accents!