
Standing wooden crosses.

Faith and politics mix to drive evangelical Christians’ climate change denial

Climate Change

Few white evangelicals in the US say they believe in human-made climate change. This strand of science denial seems to have as much to do with conservative politics as the Bible’s teachings.

Louisiana student working to get creationism out of state’s classrooms

Global Politics

New Tennessee law: encouraging creationism or academic freedom?

Global Politics

The truth behind 9/11 conspiracy theorists, ‘Truthers’

Global Politics

Russian conspiracy theories and Roswell UFO

Religion, science and public policy

Lifestyle & Belief

Almost half of Americans believe the evolutionary science is incompatible with religious teachings — how this impacts issues like global warming.

A film of intelligent design & evolution

Arts, Culture & Media

Olson explains why his film “Flock of Dodos” ridicules the arrogance of scientists and the many contradictions of the intelligent design movement.

Evolution and education in Texas


Texas Board of Education Chair leads charge to question evolution in the state’s science curriculum.

Secret Cash for Climate Denial

Despite a broad scientific consensus on human-induced climate disruption, global warming remains a debated issue. An investigation by revealed that the Donor’s Trust and Donor’s Capital Fund , funds bankrolled by secret donors, have distributed over $100 million dollars to climate change denial groups in the United States over the past decade.

One Student’s Quest to Stop the Teaching of Creationism in Louisiana Schools

The fight over teaching evolution versus creationism has a long history in the United States. Perhaps the most famous case is Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, or the Scopes Monkey trial, the 1925 case in which the state of Tennessee prosecuted a public school teacher for teaching evolution in his classroom.   The debate continues today. […]