Death of Muammar Gaddafi

IDP camp near Tripoli

Gaddafi supporters face a tough future in the new Libya

Conflict & Justice

Muammar Gaddafi had supporters in Libya, especially in one town long ago settled by African slaves. Gaddafi had a soft spot for the town. But when he fled, the fate of the residents turned for the worse.

Gaddafi ‘buried in desert grave’

Global Politics

UN Human Rights Official Calls for Investigation Into Gaddafi Death

Conflict & Justice
The World

The Challenges Facing Libya’s New Leadership After Gaddafi

Global Politics

Libya’s National Transitional Council Claims Capture of Gaddafi’s Son

The World

Gaddafi’s Propaganda Offensive

Global Politics

Gaddafi hasn’t been seen in public for months but he did issue an audio message on Tuesday vowing “martyrdom or victory”.

Global Political Cartoons: Libyan Rebel Street Art

Global Satire

In the rebel-held east Libya, artists have have been creating street art that mocks Gaddafi.

Libyan Opposition Minister: Limited Funds Could Hinder Movement

Libya’s main opposition group, the Libyan Transitional National Council, made significant gains in the last week against pro-Gadhafi forces when they retook the Western port city of Misrata. However, the group faced a political setback on Friday after meeting with members of President Obama’s administration in Washington, D.C., and failing to be fully recognized by […]

The World

Examining Libya’s military forces

Conflict & Justice

Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Reva Bhalla of the global intelligence company, Stratfor, about how loyal Libya’s military is to Muammar Gaddafi and what role it might play in the coming days.