
"So" is a 1,000-year-old Japanese cheese that recently became popular among people stuck at home due to the coronavirus.

In Japan, a 1,000-year-old cheese recipe makes its comeback


In Japan, people are making a long-forgotten cheese called “so.” The 1,000-year-old recipe became popular recently on Japanese social media as people stuck at home have extra time on their hands.

A group of dairy cows stand in a caged area inside a farm

Can this radical approach to dairies save US farms?

A row of dairy cows

While small dairy farms close, this mega-dairy is shipping milk to China


Dairy Princess

Arts, Culture & Media
At Mountainoak Cheese in rural Ontario, their Gouda is winning awards. The owners support Canada's tariffs on cheese imports.

What turns some law-abiding Canadians into smugglers? The high price of imported cheese.


Can raw milk be safe?

Global Politics

The debate over raw, or unpasteurized, milk is heating up as advocates claim it’s safe and state governments weight the risks.

Milk Chiller Tech to Aid Poor Farmers

Millions of gallons of milk go to waste globally due to improper refrigeration. But now, there are numerous efforts underway to develop cost-effective technologies to assist small farmers and dairies in keeping their milk cool.

How to Keep Your Animals Cool in the Heatwave

It’s hard enough for humans to keep cool with the heat wave currently hitting much of the central and eastern parts of the nation. But what about the country’s animals and livestock? A report from Iowa yesterday said that more than 100 cattle  may have died near the Minnesota state line from heat-related issues. Today, with […]

The World

The Grass is Greener

Dairy herds aren’t getting out to pasture much any more. In recent decades, farmers have been keeping the barn doors shut, preferring to feed grain to their cows to increase their milk output. But farmers in Vermont are challenging the conventional wisdom with a practice called management intensive grazing. The technique is turning out to […]

The World

Bovine Growth Hormone: To Use or Not to Use, That is the Question

Banned in Europe and Canada, Bovine Growth Hormone (or BGH) can increase dairy cow milk production by 20%. Eric Westervelt of member station WEVO in Concord, New Hampshire reports on the opposing viewpoints on the BGH controversy. Some farmers feel the hormone helps with cost effectiveness; others feel it will cause a glut in production […]