Cross-platform software

Green WhatApp icon surrounded by other apps on a smart phone

WhatsApp sues Indian government over unconstitutional internet laws, privacy encroachment

Social media

India’s new measures would force WhatsApp to make messages on its platform traceable.

Government steps up cyber spying efforts


Your privacy in a Google world


Google’s New Privacy Policy

Top of the Hour: Google Hacked in China, Morning Headlines

Google Blames China for Hacking

Accounts belonging to hundreds of Gmail users, including U.S. government officials and political activists in in China, were hacked. Google has said that the hacking originated in China. The Chinese government has categorically denied any involvement with the hacking. However, China is paying attention to “information warfare,” says Jeremy Goldkorn, who works for Danwei, a […]

The World

Hackers Set Sights on Skype

Conflict & Justice

Skype is an encrypted service, which means it should be safe from eavesdropping. But it turns out it is not immune to hacking. Anchor Lisa Mullins speaks with Steve Stecklow, an investigative reporter with the Wall Street Journal about hacking Skype.

The World

What would happen if Google pulled out of China?

This week, Google threatened to pull out of China after several Gmail accounts of human rights activists were hacked into by cyber attackers in China. What would it mean for U.S. – China relations if Google really pulls out of the country altogether?

The World

Gmail Fail: Why Google’s Head is (Still) in the Cloud

Arts, Culture & Media

In the wake of yesterday’s Gmail blackout, The Takeaway speaks with John Abell, New York bureau chief of, to learn about the nuts, bolts, merits and pitfalls of separating our computers from our data.

The World

Skype under fire in China

Conflict & Justice

The free Internet communications tool Skype has come under fire this week. Turns out that the company’s Chinese partner has been filtering Skype text messages for words deemed sensitive by the Chinese government.