
Will the Pentagon’s next war be 3-D printed?

Global Scan

Wars are often won or lost based more on logistics than on strategy. That’s why the US military is looking into printing its supplies on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Britain has ended the evolution vs. creationism debate in its schools. Guess which won? And we tell about an Iranian soldier who could save Iraq. That and more, in today’s Global Scan.Wars are often won or lost based more on logistics than on strategy. That’s why the US military is looking into printing its supplies on the battlefield. Meanwhile, Britain has ended the evolution vs. creationism debate in its schools. Guess which won? And we tell about an Iranian soldier who could save Iraq. That and more, in today’s Global Scan.

Turkey’s Creationist TV channel uses women described as ‘Barbie-like’ to spread message

Lifestyle & Belief

Louisiana student working to get creationism out of state’s classrooms

Global Politics

New Tennessee law: encouraging creationism or academic freedom?

Global Politics

Religion, science and public policy

Lifestyle & Belief

Islamic creationism

Creationists in Turkey are on a mission to defend their Islamic faith against Darwin’s theory of evolution.

A film of intelligent design & evolution

Arts, Culture & Media

Olson explains why his film “Flock of Dodos” ridicules the arrogance of scientists and the many contradictions of the intelligent design movement.

Evolution and Islam

Lifestyle & Belief

The evolution-creationism debate heats up in the Muslim world — what it means for Muslims on both sides of the debate.

Evolution and education in Texas


Texas Board of Education Chair leads charge to question evolution in the state’s science curriculum.

Debate over evolution: Destiny or happenstance?


Scientists debate whether evolution was a collection of happenstance or if intelligent life was destined to be.