Corruption in Ukraine

A headshot of Trump in shadow

Trump’s hypocrisy on corruption is just what Putin wants

Trump administration

US President Donald Trump said he was concerned about corruption in Ukraine when he withheld aid last year. But his interference in Justice Department matters post-impeachment are eroding US institutional norms — and playing into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hand.

A man stands next to a mannequin with a burning hat.

As US focuses on impeachment, Ukraine worries about being left to Russia

Trump impeachment
Dmytro Firtash, one of Ukraine's richest men, is seen in Kiev May 18, 2010.

The arrest of a Ukrainian businessman may be another sign of the US playing hardball with Russia

A woman takes photos of a "Wanted" notice for fugitive Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovich, plastered on the window of a car used as a barricade, near Kiev's Independent Square February 24, 2014.

Where did the downfall of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych begin?

Global Politics

Ukrainian Sleeping Beauty art exhibit seeks to awaken political slumber

Documentary film ‘The Other Chelsea’ depicts Ukraine’s poor, corrupt side

In the Ukraine, politicians admit that the courts only protect the people in power. Lose an election and you could go to jail. That’s just one of the more surprising revelations in a new documentary that examines life in Ukraine through the lens of its successful and popular soccer team, Chelsea, which plays in Donetsk.

Beyond Class Part III: Class in the Shadow of Ukraine’s Orange Revolution

Global Politics

Revolutions, it is said, need the support of the middle class to be successful; In Ukraine, seven years after the Orange Revolution, a TV producer wonders whether it was worth it, as her nation slips back into its corrupt, pre-revolutionary past.

Documentary Film ‘The Other Chelsea’ Depicts a Different Ukraine


A new documentary “The Other Chelsea” tells the tale of a town in eastern Ukraine where the local soccer club won the Europa League tournament a few years back.

Tymoshenko Case: International Pressure on Ukraine Intensifies

Global Politics

Ukraine’s Yulia Tymoshenko is a polarizing figure. The former prime minister is in prison on corruption charges and on hunger strike to protest her treatment. Tymoshenko says she has been beaten in prison, which the authorities deny.

The World

Lessons for Egypt from Ukraine

Conflict & Justice

Ukrainians who participated in the peaceful Orange Revolution of 2004 have some advice for people in Egypt, a people’s revolution does not always lead to a functioning democracy. Brigid McCarthy reports.