Campaign finance

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

News media give a free ride to anti-Donald Trump video

Global Politics

A new video from a pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC has gotten a lot of free air time — and includes none of the usual political ad disclosures because the PAC campaigns its a web video, not an ad.

Voters sign in and fill out ballots and at a polling station at the Presbyterian Church in the town of Mount Kisco, New York, on November 4, 2014. Americans were heading to the polls Tuesday in the midterm elections.

The US leads the world in election spending — and that’s not a good thing

Global Politics
Supporters look on at a news conference on Capitol Hill led by Democratic senators and congressmen in support of a proposed constitutional amendment for campaign finance reform on September 8, 2014.

Here’s how you beat the 1 percent at politics

Global Politics

Super PACs making a difference in 2012 primary elections

Global Politics

The Rise of the Super PAC

The World

Outside groups spend big as elections approach

These mid-term elections are seeing massive amounts of money being raised and spent both left and right, from party committees to outside independent groups. But what are contributors expecting in return for their millions of dollars?

The World

Senate votes on DISCLOSE act

Conflict & Justice

The Senate will vote today on the DISCLOSE Act, a bill that would require corporations to disclose their spending on federal political campaigns and to reveal their identities in any political ads they fund. Dave Levinthal and Todd Zwillich join us.